Jesus tells us in [Matthew 24:40] two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left He did not say what field or what the men were doing in the field.
Be ready, doing your Father’s business, “God’s will-God’s way.” Then, it really would not matter which one of the two men is with God- the one that was taken or the one that was left. What we do know is the one, that was doing “God’s will” is the one that is with God, even if he was left here to continue doing “the will of God” or if whisked away to heaven with the angels.
What field are you in and what are you doing in that field? Are you turning the ground to get it ready planting? Are you planting the seeds? Are you watering the seeds?

Ask yourself,” What field am I in and what am I doing in the field?”
Are you the Task Master, standing by watching everyone else do the work?
If you are pruning the crops or harvesting the crops, you are out of order. God is the only one that prunes and harvests the crops. God, His Word cuts off dead leaves. It is not your job to cut off any dead leaves. Just tell people what the Word says.
Our job is to till the ground, plant the seeds, and water the plants.
If you are tilling the ground, you are talking to people about God; letting them know who He is and what He will do for them.
If you are planting the seeds, you are telling people what God has done for you and what He will do for them.
If you are watering the grounds, you are encouraging a person; you are giving them scriptures to read. You remind them to keep their eyes on God. You are lifting them up.
Be ready! Doing your Father’s business, “God’s will-God’s way.” Then, it really wouldn’t matter which one of the two you were-“the one taken or the one left”.
God Bless you