right now God 11DO YOU HAVE A NOW FAITH?
God is a now God! His name is “I AM,” not “I will someday.”
Throughout the Bible God and Jesus tells and shows us how They did things right then, on the spot, not tomorrow.
Where did we get the ideal that we should be asking in prayer for healing tomorrow, break-through by Monday, or prosperity someday? God will back His Word and the Word says, “Whatever you ask and believe you have, you will receive.” It also says, whatever you say you will have.
So now, what are you saying? On the other hand, what are you asking for? Moreover, when are you asking for it, whenever God decides to give it to you? I know! You are being patient and standing your ground for someday, it will happen.
Have you ever thought that maybe God has answered you and the answer is not what you wanted to hear?
It is not that God is delaying in answering you. It is you, who are delaying receiving. Whenever your prayers are delayed then, look within yourself, to see what area(s) you need to grow. Ask God to help you build your faith up so you will have a righteous and purified heart to receive your answer.
I write God’s message with sincerity and with Christ’s authority and knowledge that the God who called me is watching me.
Reading Psalm: 118 David tells us how he called on the Lord in distress; and “The Lord answered me and set me in a broad place.”
In Luke 18:34-43, it was that a blind man sat by the road begging. He hearing that a multitude was passing by, he asked what it meant. They told him that Jesus was passing by and he started crying out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” The people around him wanted him to be quiet, but this man knew that if he wanted to see he would have to ask Jesus.
He did not let them stop him. Jesus stopped and asked him saying, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man said, he wanted to see, Jesus said, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.”
The man did not say that one day I want to see. Jesus did not tell him that He would heal him when He comes back through.
The blind man asks to see right then and Jesus healed him right then.
Expect God to do it now, today. We do serve a right now God.
Be bold and ask for what you want today. Get out of your comfort zone of asking one-day make me well.
I write God’s message with sincerity and with Christ’s authority and knowledge that the God who called me is watching me.
It is up to you when you will receive your knowledge, that God is a RIGHT NOW God.
Your faith, your words is what makes God move.
God Bless You.

I write God’s message with sincerity and with Christ’s authority and knowledge that the God who called me is watching me.

2 thoughts on “WE HAVE A RIGHT NOW GOD

  1. Hi there! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading this blog post of yours! It was so amazing. I just checked out your blog because of this and I couldn’t help but press follow immediately because your blog is both amazing and beautiful! I am so happy I came across your blog. Can’t wait to read more from you, keep it up (:
    By the way this comment is with regards to all of your posts not just this one! I love them all (: !

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