God spoke to me and said, “Look at how the mother squirrel is teaching her babies.”
On October 28th at about 5:30 pm, I was sitting outside and looking at squirrels in a three. The mother and her two babies were moving through the tree. Teaching them, she took them to where the tree was thick with leaves and she went on to a clear opening in the tree. The mother looked around about 3-4 times. The mother did not move-she just sat there looking. Then, she went back to her babies and had them follow her up the tree to a long opening with nothing to hide behind. However, she had to jump over to the branch and the babies could not jump that long of distance, so they went around and jumped over at a higher point that put them in front of her. One took off running up the branch (like he knew where he was going) but she moved around him and jump on top of the baby and started pecking him on top of his head and making all kinds of noises. She stopped after a while and then she lead them both to where they needed to go.
God spoke to me and said, “Look at how the mother squirrel is teaching her babies.”
What the mother squirrel was telling her babies was this: “I have large eyes so I can see all round, I can see what’s ahead of us. I have sharp hearing so I can hear the echo in the wind from the sounds of voices far off, telling me that danger is coming our way. Let me lead the way, follow me, do not get ahead of me because you do not know what is out there waiting on you to make the wrong move.”
God took that which was in the natural world and showed me how to see it in the spirit world.
“Let Me teach you, follow Me.”
We know we want to end up in front of the pearly gates but we do not know the dangers that are on the path that we have to take to get there.
Satan is waiting for us to make the wrong move.
God sometimes has to stop us from moving. “Just hold still and know that I am God.”
He tells us to follow Him. Let Him lead the way. Do His will, His way, and we will get there.
In Hebrews 3:7 it reads, Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says:
Today you must listen to His voice, don’t harden your hearts against Him as Israel did when they rebelled, when they tested God’s patience in the wilderness. (God speaking) “There your ancestors tried My patience, even though they saw My miracles for forty years, so I was angry with them, and I said, ‘Their hearts always turn away from Me, they refuse to do what I tell them.’ So in My anger I made a vow: They will never enter My place of rest (The land of milk and honey).”
Hebrews 4:2 reads “for indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.
God told Moses to follow Him and He will take the people to a land of milk and honey. With all that they had seen, they still did not have faith enough to follow God. Just a very few entered into God’s rest and Moses was not one of them. Listen! It was about 12,000 thousand adults, not including children, that were led by Moses out of Egypt. (see Exodus for the story)
To follow the will and the way of God is to have faith.
Have faith that what you hear is from God and the faith to know that God is not a man that He should lie nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said and will He not do? Or, has He spoken and will He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19)
Do you have enough faith to enter into the land of milk and honey, to do God’s will in Gods way?

May God’s love be with you